At the hall i used to go to started to notice certain men volunteering all the time to do talks and helping others with needs in the hall. Though there was nothing wrong with that i started to become suspicious because they were not like that previously.Then some months later these men became elders and some became ministerial servants ,and guess what did they volunteer for talks as much maybe be as helpful as much well i will leave you to guess that.So the question is why such a change of heart after the promotion,what were they really after did they want to fit in or want authority over others.
master chief
JoinedPosts by master chief
Climbing the corporate ladder at congregations
by master chief inat the hall i used to go to started to notice certain men volunteering all the time to do talks and helping others with needs in the hall.
though there was nothing wrong with that i started to become suspicious because they were not like that previously.then some months later these men became elders and some became ministerial servants ,and guess what did they volunteer for talks as much maybe be as helpful as much well i will leave you to guess the question is why such a change of heart after the promotion,what were they really after did they want to fit in or want authority over others.
17 and titles?
by master chief ini was thinkin lately about the use of titles and how they can be problematic such as the ones used on here such as jedi member,emperor class etc.think why r these titles put into effect is it maybe to encourage others to stay committed to and thus strive for a better title or prominence or even to the advantage of the owner of this website to remain loyal to the website and to keep the number of visitors see if any of you who are previous witnesses well know how the use of titles can serve to no advantage titles only cause envy,division,etc "thats what i think"
master chief
I totally agree with you violet this white and black thing really gets to me.I have definetly noticed how people cling to titles and labels strive to be better or different and theres nothing wrong with being different but if we strive to gain titles to say potray a kind of superiority i think thats sad.For instance when i used to go to the hall because i had a skinhead people would label me as being maybe racist or neonazi, you see they where very clicky at my hall but did i care, not a chance because i have high self esteem and dont worry what narrow minded people think about.
17 and titles?
by master chief ini was thinkin lately about the use of titles and how they can be problematic such as the ones used on here such as jedi member,emperor class etc.think why r these titles put into effect is it maybe to encourage others to stay committed to and thus strive for a better title or prominence or even to the advantage of the owner of this website to remain loyal to the website and to keep the number of visitors see if any of you who are previous witnesses well know how the use of titles can serve to no advantage titles only cause envy,division,etc "thats what i think"
master chief
I was thinkin lately about the use of titles and how they can be problematic such as the ones used on here such as jedi member,emperor class etc.Think why r these titles put into effect is it maybe to encourage others to stay committed to and thus strive for a better title or prominence or even to the advantage of the owner of this website to remain loyal to the website and to keep the number of visitors high.You see if any of you who are previous witnesses well know how the use of titles can serve to no advantage titles only cause envy,division,etc "thats what i think"
Im going to be a undercover witness spy
by master chief inyeah i thinkin of going to the hall to be a spy lick everyones asses sow the seeds of truth in them bit by bit you know its just to easy and i reckon they will fall for it.think i could help all those zombiefied souls, you see if the old men at the watchtower can fool them surely i could:"any suggestions"
master chief
"RESPONSE TO SARDINE" at least i got a better name than you so there.i reckon you should write less and pick your spots more.
Im going to be a undercover witness spy
by master chief inyeah i thinkin of going to the hall to be a spy lick everyones asses sow the seeds of truth in them bit by bit you know its just to easy and i reckon they will fall for it.think i could help all those zombiefied souls, you see if the old men at the watchtower can fool them surely i could:"any suggestions"
master chief
Yeah i thinkin of going to the hall to be a spy lick everyones asses sow the seeds of truth in them bit by bit you know its just to easy and i reckon they will fall for it.Think i could help all those zombiefied souls, you see if the old men at the watchtower can fool them surely i could:"any suggestions"
hi sleepy you O..K
by master chief inhi john its maz dont be depressed because you still have me as a mate and i will stand by you because i was your mate not just because you were a jw but because i liked "you" not your spiritual state or your devotion to an organisation but the real "you" think what jesus said love unites not scatters love bears all things but think one day they may realise what we know and then be able to relate to you you must understand you might of done the same if they might of done it to you maybe not straight away but you might of done it.but anyway on a positive tip "im your mate to the end" christian love mario
master chief
Hi john its maz dont be depressed because you still have me as a mate and i will stand by you because i was your mate not just because you were a jw but because i liked "you" not your spiritual state or your devotion to an organisation but the real "you" think what jesus said love unites not scatters love bears all things but think one day they may realise what we know and then be able to relate to you you must understand you might of done the same if they might of done it to you maybe not straight away but you might of done it.but anyway on a positive tip "im your mate to the end" christian love mario
does the bible condem smoking??
by master chief inthink about it if the bible says we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice to god and we must be holy because god is holy is that really possible, well i would say no and do you wanna no why "well im gonna tell you anyway".well think about driving our cars we r deliberately polluting the earth which god condems,and what about the food we eat which contaminates our bodies,which i think would really corrupt our bodies,and think about it we are imperfect according to the bible so how can we make ourselves holy.also imagine a jw has aids and then is prescibed a drug which can corrupt our bodies but helps the patient with his suffering (ie:ganga is given to aids sufferers to help them to regain appetite for eating)but i suppose that would be ok for that more thing for the last few months ive been coughing a lot and i havent smoked for years but guess what i smoked a menthol fag today and voila my coughing dissapeared so do you think the fag helped to cure this problem mmmmm i wonder if that is a sin??
master chief
thanks amazing what scripture waz that and anymore good scriptures to back me up thankz!!
does the bible condem smoking??
by master chief inthink about it if the bible says we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice to god and we must be holy because god is holy is that really possible, well i would say no and do you wanna no why "well im gonna tell you anyway".well think about driving our cars we r deliberately polluting the earth which god condems,and what about the food we eat which contaminates our bodies,which i think would really corrupt our bodies,and think about it we are imperfect according to the bible so how can we make ourselves holy.also imagine a jw has aids and then is prescibed a drug which can corrupt our bodies but helps the patient with his suffering (ie:ganga is given to aids sufferers to help them to regain appetite for eating)but i suppose that would be ok for that more thing for the last few months ive been coughing a lot and i havent smoked for years but guess what i smoked a menthol fag today and voila my coughing dissapeared so do you think the fag helped to cure this problem mmmmm i wonder if that is a sin??
master chief
Think about it if the bible says we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice to god and we must be holy because god is holy is that really possible, well i would say no and do you wanna no why "well im gonna tell you anyway".Well think about driving our cars we r deliberately polluting the earth which god condems,and what about the food we eat which contaminates our bodies,which i think would really corrupt our bodies,and think about it we are imperfect according to the bible so how can we make ourselves holy.Also imagine a jw has aids and then is prescibed a drug which can corrupt our bodies but helps the patient with his suffering (ie:ganga is given to aids sufferers to help them to regain appetite for eating)But i suppose that would be ok for that purpose.One more thing for the last few months ive been coughing a lot and i havent smoked for years but guess what i smoked a menthol fag today and voila my coughing dissapeared so do you think the fag helped to cure this problem mmmmm i wonder if that is a sin???
Do any of you observe the passover
by master chief ini was thinkin now that many of you think for your selves would you or do you still observe the passover of christ and if so what date and correct time for the uk and usa this year.and another thing would you use cheap wine and crackers or drink to much of it l.o.l
master chief
i was thinkin now that many of you think for your selves would you or do you still observe the passover of christ and if so what date and correct time for the uk and usa this year.and another thing would you use cheap wine and crackers or drink to much of it L.o.L
Witness logic is too strong to break
by sleepy inwitness logic is too strong to break.. why is witness logic so strong and powerful?.
because it isn't logic at all.. daniel book ch.13 pg.292 p.11.. "the next two verses of daniel chapter 12 do even more to help us identify "the holy ones of the supreme one."...
"the ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse"..who are the ones having insight today?again the evidence points to the same holy ones of the supreme one.
master chief
well taste some of this logic: 1893-no organisation needed /wt/1893p.266-----1894-not part of lords plan to have organisation/wt/12.1.1894p.384-----1895-beware of organisation/wt/9.15.1895p.216-----and then to logical progression--1955-respect organisation/wt or awake/p.380----1957-obedience to organisation/wt/5.1.57/p.274----submit to godgiven headship/wt/12.15.72/p.755----1983-organisation essential to lords plan/wt/2.15.83/p.12/---- now isnt that shining logic for you bye for now "mario"